11 Things Happen When Your Sister Is Your Best Friend
No doubt that to most of us our sister is our best friend, but that's not it, your sister being your best friend brings it's own perks. So let's count 11 things that happen when she is your BFF in the whole wide world...
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1. She Has The Best Advice For You
No matter how tough the situation you're in, whether it's about choosing a dress for a party or going to which college, as long as it's really important to you ,your sister will give you her most honest advice. So whenever your sister needs an opinion or advice about something she will come to you first because she trusts your judgement, and you know she'll do the same for you.
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2. She Know You Well Then Your Mom
Sisters grow up together, fight together, eat together and pretty much do most of the things together. Even sometimes your sister might know somethings about you that even your parents don't. So that makes it clear that sisters may can know each other better then their parents. To the outside world it might seems that you and your sister aren't very close to each other but in fact your sister has know you longer then most people in your life and she appreciates what you really are.
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3. She Knows Your Weird Obsessions
Growing up together doesn't mean having the same taste of life, sometimes sisters might like completely opposite things. So you might know about some strange obsessions she has, whether it's about comic books obsession or obsession about some 90's classic music, you still love her because these little things make her unique in it's own way and you appreciate it.
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4. You Mark The Day You Will Meet Your Sister Again
Sisters might not miss each other that much when they are living together but that's not the case when they are separated by distance because she's only one who understands you well and no amount of phone calling, texting can replace the moment when you both actually meet face to face and after that it's just tons and tons of talking.
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5. She Will Be Honest
Truth can be soar and painful, but your sister is not afraid to tell you that this make up makes you look like Cinderella's mother.
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6. You Can Share Anything With Your Sister
Whether it's about accidentally burning dad's shirt or things that are too personal that you can't even share with your mom, your sister is the only one you can trust with such confidential stuff because growing up together you both know some dark secrets bout each other.
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7. She's The First One To Know About Your big News
I think this is the one thing we can all agree on that if any of us have a big news our sisters or moms are the first one to know, because we know that they would be most excited about it...
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8. Sisters Do Everything Together
It's just natural that sisters who live together tend to do everything together. Whether it's about getting ready for a birthday or going to movies you want your sister to be with you every single time.
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9. She Gives You The Best Present
One of the advantages of sisters knowing each other so well is they not what you like and what u don't like. So your sister is obviously one of the people who can give you the exact gift that you wanted on your birthday party but sometimes she can have really fun with that too.
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10. She Can Chat With You Endlessly
With your sister when you start chatting you just can't stop, there are stories after stories you wanna share with her and gossip about it. And this talking can literally go on for hours and you would still feel like it wasn't enough, really these are the precious conversations with your sister that last forever.
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